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Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops President Issues a Plea For Peace in the Holy Land

Przesłane : Oct-12-2023

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The Most Rev. William McGrattan, president of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB), has issued a statement urging the Catholic faithful in Canada to unite in prayer for peace in the Middle East.

“Over these last few days, the world has witnessed a rapid escalation of armed conflict in the Holy Land, with reports of a growing number of wounded or dead, including innocent civilians,” said Bishop McGrattan, “As the Holy Land is immersed in this violence and bloodshed, we remember that Jesus, the Son of God, who lived and walked there as Love Incarnate, through His teaching by word and deed, calls us as brothers and sisters to be always united by the bond of charity. 

“As Christians we are compelled by the teachings and example of Jesus to pray for peace throughout the world.”

“As we pray for peace, let us remember all the families and individuals suffering because of this most recent outbreak of violence.”

To read the statement in its entirety, please click here.